About Fundnation

Join our campaign and support the building of our new Community Centre - Inspired Jewish living for JohannesburgEveryone

102% Raised

Together we've raised R5 138 421 (102%)!
Help us reach our goal of R5 000 000

You're donating to a team!

Weekday Minyanairres

Team Goal: R700,000
Raised: R694,736

99% Raised

Thank you to our generous matchers

The Base is known for its open doors and big heart.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of background or means. It is home to those exploring Judaism as well as the most learned.

The BASE is a space for personal growth and transformation.

Help us develop our new Community Centre for greater inspired Jewish Living!

Donate by EFT: 
Standard Bank
Account: 0042 1022 507
Branch: 009 205

All donations towards this campaign are tax deductible and will qualify for a Section 18A Receipt.

We've raised 102%!

Together we've raised R5 138 421!
Help us reach our goal of R5 000 000

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Donors for Weekday Minyanairres

Neil Levitt R10 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R720

Go for it!

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Daniel + Cass Jassinowsky R20 016

Thank you to this amazing community, Rabbi and Rebbetzin for all of the love and support on our journey. We are immensely proud and grateful to be a part of the Base. Truly something special. Am Yisrael Chai!

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Simon Kuper R1 080

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Zach Froom R720

Thank you

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R360

Shkoyach to the Rov for the inspiration, the minyanim and the awesome kollel.

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Daniel and Tina Alter R1 500

Thank you to Rav Aharon and the whole Zulberg family for everything you do for the community

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Yona Kesler R7 200


Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Lawrence & Danielle Katzeff R10 000

Hazlocha and brocha

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R12 000


Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Dean Tamara Naftali and Nava Sher R7 200

Thank you for the incredible access to daily minyanim

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Aharon Perelman R2 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Cassandra Papenfus R20 016

Thank you for everything. Really proud to be a member of this community

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

David and Ruth Diamond R7 200

Wishing much hatzlacha beH

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R10 800

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Shmuel Solomon R2 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Jeffrey Froom R40 000

To the Zulberg's who have done and continue to do so much for the community.

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Alex & Tzipora Carlebach R720

LiChvod HoRav Aaron MayChoyil El Choyil

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Malcolm Rabson R10 000


Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Shana Azizollahoff R3 600

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Jochanan Friedman R720

Leilu Nishmas Peretz Ben Yisrael

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R720

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R4 000

Thank u !

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Stan Orelowitz R3 600

In honour of the Orelowitz and Oppenheim families

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Shaun Croock R10 800

Thank you for everything you do

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R360

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R5 600

May you continue to inspire & continue from strength to strength - with all your incredible work

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R360

LN Leah Bas Hirsh

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Zandra Friedman R360

Leilu nishmas peretz ben Yisrael

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R2 168

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R18 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Ezra Altschuler R12 000

Behatzlacha - thank you for all the good years at the base and here's to many more Be-ezrat Hashem. Love the Altschulers

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Tanna Froom R720

Thank you

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Azzi Froom R720

Thank youn

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Levi Froom R720

Thank you

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Ben & Dani Berk R7 200

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R1 200

Thank you

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Matthew Tucker R3 600

Thank you for all you do!

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Lee Friedman R540

Leilu Nishmas Peretz Ben Yisroel

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R7 200

Shkoach on all the incredible work you do for the community.

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R720

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Dean Lazarus R720

Thank you Zulberg’s for all you do for the Jhb community!

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Natasha Zulberg R500

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R36 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R7 200

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R7 200

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R36 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Jonathan Levitt R10 800

Thank you for all the minyonim and all that you do for the community

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R100 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Daniel & Shira Sobel R15 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Dovi Friedman R720

Leilu Nishmas Peretz Ben Yisroel

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Adi and Nachi Kay R20 160

Yasher koach to the wonderful Zulberg family. Decades of dedicated community service that has been integral to the building of today’s Johannesburg Jewish Community.

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Neil Levitt R10 000

Hazlocha in all you do from Neil Andi levitt and family

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Gavi Slasky R2 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Gavin Oster R10 000

Chaya Rivah Bas Shalom

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Laurence and Emma Rapp and family R72 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Simcha and Tova Simon R1 080

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Spencer Schwartz R3 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Woolf Solomon R10 800

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Zeev and shifra Block R500

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Aharon Setzer R1 080

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Netanel and Taryn Azizollahoff R10 800

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Daniel Jassinowsky R20 016

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Yaron & Nadine Zimbler R20 000

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Shaul Friedman R720

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Dunni Karp R10 000

Love what you doing - Keep going my friend

Team: Weekday Minyanairres

Anonymous R40 000


Team: Weekday Minyanairres


Click to learn more

All about the Base

Raised: R525 960

Goal: R530 000

99% Raised
Early Risers

Raised: R356 551

Goal: R370 000

96% Raised
Kollel Team

Raised: R237 152

Goal: R300 000

79% Raised
Madrichim Team

Raised: R111 856

Goal: R300 000

37% Raised
Pap n extra gravy

Raised: R814 423

Goal: R820 000

99% Raised
T to the power of 3

Raised: R263 652

Goal: R300 000

88% Raised
The Naggers

Raised: R577 903

Goal: R570 000

101% Raised
The Torah Club

Raised: R122 638

Goal: R300 000

41% Raised
Weekday Minyanairres

Raised: R694 736

Goal: R700 000

99% Raised
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