About Fundnation
Launch your own GoFeedMe Virtual Fundraising Campaign: Click Here

Whether it’s a milestone birthday or anniversary; a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or any other occasion, Celebrate Giving!

Learn more about this specific campaign and read more about Yad Aharon below. Thank you for your support!
You're donating to a team Bati Project
Yad Aharon & Michael inspires me to invest in Chesed and improve the world!

Food is a basic need, and for my Bat Mitzvah Chesed Project, I commit to raising funds for this incredible organisation, who helps feed those less fortunate in Johannesburg’s Jewish Community. Did you know that over 700 families are reliant on Yad Aharon for their weekly food parcels; soup kitchen; food for every Chag and more. Without Yad’s assistance so many would not be able to put food on their tables.

Please help me to add meaning to my upcoming Simcha by supporting my virtual food drive. All that is required is for you to donate to Yad Aharon & Michael, in my name.

To my family and friends both in SA and abroad, together with my parents I thank you for taking part in honouring my Bat Mitzvah in this very meaningful way.
Campaign Goal: R 20,000 | Raised: R 3,050
15% Raised teambanner View All Campaigns

Whether it’s a milestone birthday or anniversary; a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or any other occasion,

Celebrate Giving!

GoFeedMe is about celebrating giving, and turning Simchas into meaningful occasions, through personalised virtual food drives.

By creating your unique campaign page, you will be raising the much needed funds to feed families in need, in Johannesburg’s Jewish community.

It’s fun | It’s free | We provide support, tips & advise.

All monies raised go to Yad Aharon & Michael – Johannesburg’s Leading, Independent Jewish Food Fund.

Tax receipts and 18A certificates will be sent to donors.

“I cannot describe the feeling of fulfilment knowing that I used my 50th Birthday to help feed families in need.” GoFeedMe campaigner.

“My Son learnt one of his most important life lessons, for his Bar Mitzvah, he chose to help others. This was his greatest gift of all! “ Mother of a GoFeedMe campaigner

Steps to Celebrate Giving:
1. Click here to launch your own campaign
2. Enter your details for your campaign page
3. Once approved, you will receive a URL to invite your family and friends to donate in your name for your special occasion.

All donations go to Yad Aharon & Michael – Johannesburg’s Leading, Independent Jewish Food Fund – to support over 700 Jewish families in need of food assistance. 

Connect with us:
[email protected]